Tuesday, August 21, 2007


1. Hippos have very thick skin. They have a few hairs on their ears and on their noses, and on their tips of their tails. Hippos sleep in the daytime, but they can see in the dark, and they feed at night.
2. In the hottest part of the day, hippos rest in the water. They like to stay close together.!
3. Bull [or mail] hippos often fight each other. They open their mouths to show their big teeth. If one bull hippo does not move away, there will be a noisy fight. sometimes a hippo is killed.
4. When two big bulls are fighting, smaller hippos can get hurt, too
5. Most mother hippops move away from the herd to keep thier babiys safe
6. Many baby hippos are born down under water. As soon as they ar born.
7. Sometimes baby hippos will rest on their mother's backs.
8. When the sun goes down, hippos leave their pools and rivers.
9. Tall white birds called egrets sometimes join the hippos.
10. Hippos can stay underwater for five minuts at a time.!

1 comment:

Scottish Granny said...

Hi Max, I have just been reading your report about hippos, very interesting. I saw lots of hippos when I went to Zambia, they are very big and live in the water most of the time. I will try and send you a picture of some. love Granny